
By biddy

Sir Cliff Richard rose in the sunshine!

Amazingly enough we have had a nice sunny day!
No services at our church today as there is a whole church weekend away in Wales.
We opted out from that, having done several similar events over the years,
No-one gets much sleep for one thing!
We went for a circular walk this morning but inspite of my energy having returned and really looking forward to it, half way round my usual joints were loudly complaining, sadly. I was so disappointed., I made it to the Farm House Bistro where I could sit down and have a coffee. Stephen then walked home and brought the car.
I can potter about up and down the garden with no pain so guess it is just going to take time once more.
I finished my PD James book sitting in the summerhouse.
Our lovely Sir Cliff rose (which was a gift) has loads of new buds yet to open. I pruned it really hard last November.
Now about to watch the England v Serbia football.

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