There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Ladies' Breakfast / Three Sailboats

It was the last day of our beautiful old-fashioned summer weather, before the heat wave would hit, and we wanted to spend it wisely. So my husband and I decided we'd grab a pair of hoagies along the way and headed for Bald Eagle State Park for a swim.

When I got up in the morning, I looked out the deck door windows and spotted two female hummingbirds, enjoying breakfast together at the feeder, one on each side, sitting peacefully and coexisting! Wow! I grabbed my camera and knew instantly that this must be my shot for the day! So the day had a fine beginning, indeed. 

We did some stuff we needed to do and then took off for our day's adventures. By early afternoon, we were at the park, and we were surprised at how lovely it was by the lake. There were gentle breezes and blue skies, and as we sat down in our chairs under a shady tree, I looked up in the sky and saw a bald eagle fly overhead. (Which reminds me: we saw one at Whipple Dam this past week, too!)

It was Father's Day and things were more crowded than usual. There were lots of people at the park, but it's a big area, and it seemed like fun, watching all of the people in their colorful outfits, walking around like dots of color on the beach area. I always think of Seurat!

I took a photo of three sailboats that went by and you may see that in the extras. The only downside of having a lot of people there was that when I was in swimming, I could see that there was a group of young men who had sat down INCHES from our chairs and our stuff.

The water was cooler than last time, and maybe even a bit cleaner, which was also surprising. When I got out of the water, the boys were playing ball and sitting way too close to our chairs. I had to practically step over them to grab my things and go take my shower. The shower was also quite busy: I planned to take my leisure at the shower, so I let seven people go in front of me. They were mostly little kids, each in for a quick rinse. By the time it got to be my turn, I was tired of being polite!

We had parked our car along Skyline Drive, a ways away from the swim area, so we walked back and forth to the beach from there. We split a hoagie before we swam and we split a hoagie after we swam. That worked out well. There were way fewer people in the area where we'd parked, which was good.

Around 3:30, the lovely breeze sort of died out on us, and we decided to throw in the towel. We got in the car, put the A/C on, and drove around the park for a little while before heading home. Seeing the sights, enjoying some sweet tunes.

The Hunter's Run Cut is closed right now for some construction work, just a few weeks' worth, I think. We drove to the East Launch and it was surprising how different the weather was there. It was hot and sultry and crowded. No breeze. I hopped out for a few pictures; got back in, glad for the air conditioning; and we headed for home.

Now I've got two pictures, so here are two songs, but I've also got a story to go with the one song.

On Saturday morning, I woke up to discover postings from my friends on Facebook who were planning to attend the Stevie Nicks concert at Hersheypark Stadium that night. Now, I had seen on Twitter that Stevie was touring, but I had no idea she was going to be so close. I had not gotten tickets, and by mid-morning, I was feeling quite stupid about the whole thing. Here she is, one of my favorite performers, and I wasn't going!

Stevie Nicks is and always will be one of my musical heroes. She was going out on HER own just as I was going out on MY own, in the early 80s. We had that in common. I loved her clothes, her hair, her make-up, her shawls, her entire persona. I spent a year dating, and then a year engaged to, a boy who adored her; who had his walls plastered with posters of Led Zeppelin, dragons, and Stevie Nicks, looking ethereal as all get-out. I think he sort of wished I was her. I did too. We all loved her, were IN love with her, wanted to BE her.

Well, guess what. Around 6 that night, just as people began arriving to the concert, it was announced that a member of the band was sick, and the concert would be rescheduled! The lateness of the announcement meant that practically EVERYBODY who was going was already there!

So if you felt and heard a disturbance in the force on Saturday night in central Pennsylvania, it was the sound of the anguish of tens of thousands of eighties girls, such as myself, crying out in misery, as they learned that their big event was cancelled. :-(

Anyway, all of this is to say that my song for the lady hummingbirds, who looked like they were having a lovely ladies' breakfast together, is Stevie Nicks, with Talk to Me, from her third solo album, 1985's Rock a Little. 80s gals, you have my complete sympathy; I hope they reschedule that concert soon, and I hope she rocks your SOCKS OFF!!!!

And my soundtrack song for the picture of the three sailboats is Christopher Cross, with Sailing.

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