Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



So, this is what our days in the summer look like. Hazy, with lots of dust and humidity in the atmosphere. I was trying to get a decent picture of the flame trees in Zabeel Park (top right), but I guess I have to try again next week. :(

The office was quiet today. Many people are leaving for their summer holidays, taking in the Eid break with it. My desk buddy was one of them, so I moved over to her desk by the window and thoroughly enjoyed the natural light. :))

A strange thing happened today. Two people, unconnected to each other, asked me what I do for health insurance. They are trying to find something affordable for people they know - one for a spouse, the other for an employee. It spurred me on to re-look at this for myself. I got some interesting results. Sadly, the long break means nothing can be done until next week, but I've made a start.

G filled me in with more details about the movie she watched yesterday. I have to admit, listening to it, I was pretty disturbed too. So much so, that I had a very restless night, waking several times through it. Argh.

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