The Pensioner

By Pensioner


A visit from the daughter. She was to the point: Happy Father's Day! We were thinking we may come down in a few hours and say hello/ eat ur food 
I dived out to get rolls, bacon and sausages. And they wolfed the lot, as promised. And the little granddaughter cycled all the way from her house - with proper pedals. No looking back now.
And then the SK went to fetch her daughter from the station. She’s retreated northward, maybe for quite some time. The unexpected turns that life can take.
Anyway, I’ve not been keeping this blippy thing up to date. The election! What to say? Apathy sweeps the land. Wouldn't it be great if there was a party that promised great transformational change for the better? A rhetorical question, as actually we’re probably all sick of promises that can’t be delivered. Stuff that’s just made up. Well, I know I am. 

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