
By tridral

Ail ddiwrnod Tad

Ail ddiwrnod Tad ~ A second Father's’ Day

“There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write.”
― William Makepeace Thackeray

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Mae Daniel eisoes wedi bwcio i weld 'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock' yn Cineworld yn y dre am Ddydd Sul a gwahodd i ni ymuno a fe. Mae’n bedwar deg o flynyddoedd ers 'The Search for Spock' yn dod allan. Pedwar deg o flynyddoedd, sut mae amser yn mynd heibio! Roeddwn ni'n meddwl i basai fe'n dda i weld y ffilm yn y sinema eto, felly roedden ni'n hapus iawn i ymuno á Daniel.

Penderfynon ni fynd i Wagamama am bryd cyn y ffilm ac roedden ni wedi cael pryd dda iawn yno fel arfer. Diolch i fy mrawd rydw i'n dod i adnabod Magamama yn eithaf da ac yn mwynhau'r bwyd. Rhwng y pryd a'r ffilm aethon ni i'r haberdashery yn John Lewis oherwydd bd mae Nor'dzin eisaiu prynu gwlân am ei prosiect diweddaraf hi - rhoi llewys ar ddillad heb lewys. Mae rhaid iddi hi ffeindio gwlân sy'n cyfateb ac yna gwau'r lewys i gyfateb. Mae gan Nor'dzin lawer o brosiectau ac yn ffodus llawer o sgil hefyd, rhaid i mi ddweud.

Mwynheuon ni'r ffilm. Roedd e'n dda iawn i'w weld yn y sinema hefyd, sgrin fawr, seddi cyfforddus a dim gwrthdyniadau. Roeddwn i dipyn bach emosiynol ar adegau. Mae 'Star Trek' yn dangos bodau dynol (a bodau nad ydynt yn ddynol) ar eu gorau. Mae'n wrthgyferbyniad â rhai o'r pethau sy'n digwydd yn y byd ar hyn o bryd, ond mae'n awgrymu'r posibilrwydd y gallen ni wneud yn well. Rydyn ni'n byw yn obaith.

Ar ôl y ffilm aethon ni i 'Muffin Break' un o'n hoff leoedd bach lle mae'r staff bob amser yn gyfeillgar. Yna aethon ni adre ar y bws.

Mwynheuon ni'r ffilm cymaint, penderfynon ni gweld y ffilm nesa 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home' (yr un gyda'r morfilod) ar y teledu, a fwynheuon ni hynny hefyd. Yn 2026 bydd y pen-blwydd deugeinfed y ffilm hon hefyd. Felly efallai y byddwn yn mynd i'r sinema eto.

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Daniel has already booked to see 'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock' at Cineworld in town on Sunday and invited us to join him. It's forty years since 'The Search for Spock' came out. Forty years, how time flies! We thought it would be good to see the film in the cinema again, so we were very happy to join Daniel.

We decided to go to Wagamama for a meal before the film and we had a very good meal there as usual. Thanks to my brother I get to know Magamama quite well and enjoy the food. Between the meal and the film we went to the haberdashery in John Lewis because Nor'dzin wants to buy wool for her latest project - putting sleeves on sleeveless clothes. She has to find matching wool and then knit the sleeves to match. Nor'dzin has many projects and luckily a lot of skill too, I must say.

We enjoyed the film. It was also very good to see in the cinema, big screen, comfortable seats and no distractions. I was a little emotional at times. 'Star Trek' shows humans (and non-humans) at their best. It is a contrast to some of the things that are happening in the world at the moment, but it suggests the possibility that we could do better. We live in hope.

After the film we went to 'Muffin Break' one of our favourite little places where the staff are always friendly. Then we went home on the bus.

We enjoyed the film so much, we decided to see the next film 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home' (the one with the whales) on TV, and we enjoyed that too. In 2026 there will be the fortieth anniversary of this film as well. So we might go to the cinema again.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adlewyrchiadau yn John Lewis, Caerdydd
Description (English): Reflections at John Lewis, Cardiff

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