Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Last-Minute Composite

It has been a rather wet and grey day that started to clear up late afternoon.  After my evening meal, I prepared my blip to reflect that - appropriately in greyscale monochrome (first 'extra').

Then, at a quarter to ten, the setting sun illuminated the tops of clouds in the east although dark clouds in the west prevented there being any colourful sunset in that direction.  One cloud in particular looked like a giant iceberg so I processed that to be my blip.  But oh no, that too has been relegated as 'extra' #2.

Why?  Because at the last minute, I wondered what it would look like if I combined the two of them.  I liked the result and after a bit of editing, I have made it my main blip.

The island is Inchkeith in the Firth of Forth.  The hill to the left behind it is Arthur's Seat and the greater mass of hills on the right are the Pentland Hills.  Between them lies Edinburgh.

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