But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Obligatory Selfie.

Our first four days in Norway were spent in the wonderful city of Bergen and the first of them was on a guided walking tour. It was a good choice as we were able to spend our last day exploring the best bits in detail; our guide was a German called Martin who’s allotted 2 hours stretched significantly. The first portion took us around the cultural sector while the second delved into the historical area of Bryggen; the Blip was taken during the transition phase. We weren’t sure why a Norwegian tourist trap should have a kebab house, but then it was close to a McDonald’s.
By and large, the Bergen food was pretty dire; the saving grace was the hotel eat-all-you-breakfast. We were able to have a hearty palatable meal before sallying forth with couple of doggy bags. I think we might have been breaking some rules but, fortunately, we couldn’t read Norwegian.

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