Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

King of the Odes

This is the largest dragonfly (Odonata) found in our area, the Common Green Darner (Anax junius).  This is a female, easily identified by her reddish brown abdomen.  She measures approximately 3 inches long and is a fierce hunter, taking prey mostly in flight.  It is quite unusual to see one perched and I nearly missed her, so well did she blend into the garden.  I suspects she is recently emerged, based on how close she allowed me to get and how gossamer her wings appear.  Anyway, my plans to blip a Father's Day themed post went right out the window when I saw this.  It's unlikely that I will get another chance this year to add this species to my yard bugs list.  Fun fact about this species is that some of them migrate fairly long distances in the fall, following roughly the same migratory route as the birds fly.

I posted my Father's Day themed photo on Instagram and you can have a look HERE.  A tired looking Downy Woodpecker dad feeding his extremely healthy son.  

I checked all the nest boxes today.  One box of wrens has fledged.  The second box of wrens and the box of swallows are all partially feathered and looking alert, so all is well.  

My milkweed is all starting to bloom now (I have three species in the garden, all native) and more bees are showing up.  I spent a ridiculous amount of time lurking and skulking today.  Jax kept me company, of course, content to lay in a patch of shade and keep an eye on me.

We had an enjoyable dinner with our neighbors last night although the restaurant was very noisy making conversation difficult.  

Hubs and I were going to grill on the deck this evening but when he opened the grill, he discovered a mouse nest inside.  Complete with mice.  So, we will cook the chicken in the oven and deal with the mice another day.  The joys of country living.

Had a nice FT chat with mom and dad this morning.  They are both having some minor lingering cold symptoms but generally seem to be feeling okay and were heading off to the Farmer's Market when we signed off.  

Dark with ginger today.


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