Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Years ago I bought a rather shabby looking native honeysuckle from a nursery at the end of the season - the price was deeply discounted so I didn't feel like I was risking much if it didn't survive.  Well, 10 or so years later and it's still thriving.  I have it in a big pot on the patio that I leave out all winter.  I cut it back in late winter and then just wait.  Not only is honeysuckle a beautiful splash of rich color, it is a loved source of nectar for hummingbirds.  It is also the larval host plant for one of the clearwing moth species, so I never begrudge the caterpillars eating their fill.  

We had severe thunderstorms last night which gave everything in the garden a good dose of water.  I had hoped that it might clear some of whatever pollen is currently getting me, but no such luck as my allergies are as bad as ever today.  Oh well.  That didn't stop me from spending several hours outside this morning enjoying the birds and bugs.

I spotted two season-first bumble bee species today which made me happy.  I got some shots but am going to wait for better images.  Last year I logged 5 bumble bee species in the garden, so far I am at 4 this year.  I also got a quick glimpse of a new-to-me ichneumon wasp although I have not been able to confirm genus yet.  Have I mentioned how much I enjoy insects and spiders?

We are going to have dinner at a local restaurant with our neighbors from across the Lane tonight - should be fun and I may even treat myself to a glass of wine!


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