
By Tryfan46

Bob’s cauli

Another improving day. Sharp showers this morning leading to a dry sunny afternoon and a clear evening.

I was at the allotment early to meet the community payback team along with another committee member and a councillor. They didn’t turn up. There was no way for any one to contact them. I’ll let you know what happened.

I stayed at the allotment for the morning, getting lots of stuff done. So far I’m pleased by the no dig experiment. The marestails still grow through but there are very few other weeds. Picked some of the best strawberries I’ve had for a few years.

Bob was saying he didn’t think he had any cauliflowers. Then he found this one, as big as football. Then another and another and another. That’s a lot of cauliflower for one person to get through

An unsuccessful trip to a garden centre to find a watering can that the “universal” nematode rose fits on. Well, it’s not universal. It only fits on the most expensive cans.

Good chat to Chris in California and Matt in Northfleet. Landon and Maddy were a heart warming treat to see. Here’s to fathers everywhere, if they are with us or not.

Glad you liked yesterday’s blip. And no, there were no ill effects this morning.

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