Out and About

By Puffin

Piel Island and lots of flowers

We took a guided walk across the sands at low tide, from Walney Island to Piel Island .  The remains of the van in the foreground show why you take a guide. On the island is one ruined castle**, one pub , 4 cottages and masses of unusual plants. Collage of the plants which includes one very special plant we were shown on Walney Island on the way back. The extremely rare Walney Geranium - Geranium sanguineum var. lancastriense. Only found on Walney Island. It has been said to be one of the rarest flowers in the world. Also note the unusual very long seed head of the sea poppy.   I tried to capture it .
 If you are looking at the map to see where we walked, select satellite. We started walking across the sands from just left of the S of Sheep Island. (Where the monks  used to keep their sheep to export and evade taxes)  . A very interesting day out. 7km round trip but very flat. And good to support the pub who have an erratic trade.

** From the English Heritage website :- This 14th century fortress was built by the Abbot of Furness to guard Barrow-in-Furness against pirates and Scots raiders. Lambert Simnel, pretender to Henry VII's throne, landed here in 1487. The massive keep, inner and outer baileys and the towered curtain walls are still standing

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