Summer Things

Temperature +18. Sun and clouds. Moderate wind from the east.

To the allotment again and in the evening.

Same work, nothing special.
Weather was warm in there unlike outside the area.

I heard from one of our neighbours in there that she had trapped rats eight in a week. Think about it. Oh no. Rats are a problem in many places, but of course in the areas where there are food as in allotments. Many may for example have a composter that isn't protected well against rats. In fourteen years we have trapped one rat and have never seen any mark of them in our own plot that is a kind of miracle in the area where plots are located side by side, very close to each other. We must keep eyes very open.

On the way back home we met my former personal assistant from many years back. Nice meeting, very surprising. She was exceptional in that she also worked as a trainer of rats in Science Center in here. She is a maths teacher and taught them to play basketball to the show. And they really learned it to the certain point. Amazing isn't it.

The picture shows inside of a shelter where there is a decorative board on the wall and flowers of chives and buttercup in a vase on the table.

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