On My Way

Warm and sunny, about +23, cooling wind.

In the morning I had an opportunity to plant two pelargoniums to the bigger pots, at last. They had waited for it for a month! Then to the allotment for a short time, because of the physiotherapy. I and Mr S are in a hurry to have necessary things there to be done before we leave for the countryside for some time. After the physio Mr S began to cook food for the weekend and I went to my ride, guess where. To the Vanhankaupunginlahti bay, there is usually very cool wind that is needed these days and water is always magical. My last trips there haven't been in the reserve, but the opposite side of the bay. Today I went along the same sea shore as a couple of days ago.

In the picture you see how barnacle geese were lying on my way. There wasn't a way around them, and I hesitated for a while to go so near because they had chicks and I had my moped. I decided to go slowly and talking nearer them to see if they react. They did, but not much, only the beaks opened. I survived, as did they :)

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