Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Not a gelato

Gratitude to WhiskyFoxtrot for popularizing blips of hands holding gelato or ice cream, city in background. 

In my ongoing attempt to relieve arthritis inflammation through diet, I continue attempting to create flavorful plant-based meals without sugar, wheat, or dairy, while avoiding alliums. 

I should add, for those who don’t already know, that I have to be dragged, groaning from boredom, into a kitchen; and before that, into a grocery store, and before that, into reading cookbooks. I’d much rather be reading the history of marginalized peoples, practicing piano, or watching a documentary on the sex life of snails (very interesting really). 

I’ve never enjoyed cooking, never wanted to cook, never found it interesting or rewarding. I have gotten by somehow, mostly with the help of sugar, wheat, and dairy. Now I find myself at an advanced age gritting my teeth and trying to make broths, preserve them, and then use them in soups and other things. Argh. This is SO not ME, as I have come to know myself. I suppose it will help to ward off dementia, as it means acquiring a great many new synapses. 

I will go put on some Chopin etudes and bend myself to making something with this fennel bulb that cost me $5.

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