Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Once You're Wet!

What a day!  I was Run Director at Parkrun again and we set up the course in the rain.  Thankfully, the showers cleared for the run itself but then returned for the afternoon and our village Gala making it a truly, soggy event.  So much effort and cost and volunteer hours goes in to the Gala and it is a great shame when the weather is poor.  I photographed the parade then hotfooted it down to the tea tent and did an hour's stint on the sandwiches.  We were busy at first but then it tailed off as the rain continued and the field slowly turned to a mudbath.  There was lots of food left sadly.  After my hour I took my camera out on to the field to capture as much as possible.  The youngsters were undeterred by the awful rain and having a lot of fun! 

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