
By pensionspoet


We had an early start. I actually woke at 5.30 when I heard cats fighting, so ran downstairs to get Ralph in. I then struggled to get back to sleep so when Jon got up at 6.20 I got up too.

We had the car mostly packed already so just a few final bits to add, and we were on the road by 7.

We stopped for breakfast then again for coffee, and finally lunch. I got my laptop out after our first stop, thinking it was a good chance to do a bit of my writing. I was glad I did, in total finishing chapter 30 and clocking up another 3,300 words on the journey. Now at 46,600 I’m setting my sights on the 50k mark. It was enjoyable writing, even though I keep getting new ideas, and have to keep pulling myself back to the planned story. Jon helped me make up a few names. I had a captive audience in him, when I needed another point of view.

We arrived in the village of East Linton at about 4pm. Found the small one bedroom flat I’d booked for 4 nights and unloaded some of our stuff. The camping gear is staying in the car as that isn’t needed until Wednesday. The sun was out and the sky blue. Lucky as we had come through some shocking weather. So we took advantage of it and went for a long circular walk. Following part of the John Muir trail we followed a bit of the river Tyne, and crossed fields as well as through the town. We have friends who live in the town who we will catch up with in the next few days. It’s a lovely place to live. When we came back past the railway station we decided to get our tickets for Monday as we plan a day in Edinburgh. The train goes at 8.35 and I don’t like a last minute panic.

Back at the flat, I cooked some dinner and now we are relaxing. A lie in is booked for tomorrow then a drive along the coast to North Berwick. The weather isn’t going to be perfect but we have our raincoats!

Now time to chill!

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