The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Yesterday was Indie's 7th birthday, but there was no picture of her. So today I have made a collage, with stupid words courtesy of photo director. There was no picnic today because:
 (a) the weather was unpredictable, to say the least 
(b) who takes an Asian cat on a picnic in the UK?

S messaged this morning to say he had 'flu and didn't want a lesson. But his flatmate E wanted some advice. I asked for E's number and went off down the hill to the clothing bank and Waitrose. Deposited stuff and did some shopping, and went off to see if V was at work. She came running out of her workplace to greet me (she's an estate agent) and we arranged to go for a country walk tomorrow. 

Then I went to the charity shop, where there was nothing I wanted, and home. Peeped into the back of the farmers' market but didn't go in. Finished my book when I got home. Amazon delivered a book that I had only ordered last night, with no special haste! It's A body made of glass, by Caroline Crampton, my favourite podcaster. The intro looks excellent. The book has been well received. 

However, I had other fish to fry. Namely, getting my own book sorted out. As the weather was fine, despite the earlier squalls, I went out to the garden with laptop and set myself up with cushions and bare feet for grounding . My feet were just warming up when I heard a low rumble of thunder. I tried to ignore it, but anxiety prevailed. I put the cushions and laptop away and went back inside. Carried on working. The weather continued to change every five minutes. 
Finally I was ready to look at the cover image for my book. It was too small. I was ready to cry after I had tried a dozen images and they were all too small. Asked CS for advice, and he managed to improve one of my images so that it was of decent quality. We used that one because it had a blue sky. Next step: ordering the book. What on earth is the voucher code? Ah yes, found it. Ordered a PDF as well. Pressed 'send' to the printers. 

Looked at PDF. Sh**, there is no author name! Anywhere! Ah well, I did it for me. It's my first solo book. We cracked open the prosecco. On to my third glass, after supper, and I am getting hiccups. Can't even celebrate in style! 

If anyone wants a PDF, let me know. I can email it. It is 17MB! I like words, so there are plenty of them. The pictures inside are of terrible quality, because I only took my phone, but next year I will take my camera and get some wide shots, and maybe I'll be bit more integrated with my phone and camera and Mac by then. 

We are watching Italy Vs Albania in the Euros. 

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