Life through the lens...

By ValC


6pm and it has just stopped raining!
A quick dash into the garden for a blip and while I was photographing some soggy flowers I noticed a solitary bee. It must have also been waiting for a dry spell.

I am now enjoying a glass of Côte du Rhône Villages, red wine while cooking some lamb chops for tea. The first new season lamb from the local farm shop. Will have with broccoli and minted new potatoes. The potatoes are UK grown, but the broccoli is from Spain.

King’s Birthday Honours.

I was very pleased to read in the Yorkshire Post this morning, that Helen Whittaker from York has been awarded an MBE for services to stained glass, architectural glass art and conservation. She is the lady who designed the window in Selby Abbey, which I blipped on Wednesday.

Also brothers John and Gip Dammone who have been awarded British Empire Medals for services to hospitality.
They have been running the restaurant, Salvo’s in Headingley, Leeds, which their father started in 1976. They both retired last year.
( see my Blip 3rd June 2023)
We have had so many happy times there over the years. Back in those early days we would queue outside in all weathers to wait for a table coming available.

Now would you believe the sun is trying to shine, and guess who is watching football!

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