
By Stella2

Agios Ioannis

We were told this morning that we are in for some hot weather and it’s good to take things easy and maybe go for a swim. We took their advice just walking up to the nearby monastery/church in the hill. It’s located right near to our hotel and you only walk up to the first building which is locked. There were some good views and interesting foliage around. We returned to the hotel to change into our swimming costumes and headed for the beach. The sea was a little cool at first but very refreshing. After a few dips we dried off and had lunch. As we walked back we spotted a Scarce Swallowtail butterfly. It was lovely to see.

After an afternoon rest we headed back down into Kapsali for an evening drink meeting up with our friends. I have found a very nice drink a pink grapefruit soda made by 3 cents a Greek product l believe. We then all enjoyed a Greek meal at another taverna. It has been pretty hot about 30C in the day and 26C at night.

Thank you to those that have started looking at my journal again. I won’t have time to return look at yours until we are home and the internet is easier.

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