
By gillyh


Yesterday we went 6 miles down a country road to the Wool town of Lavenham. There are several 'wool' towns in this part of Anglia, all owing their existence and prosperity  to the wool trade and Sudbury where we are staying also to the silk trade, indeed it still today produces 99% of the UKs silk weaving.  
Anyhow, what a medieval delight Lavenham is.  A fabulously rich town in the 14th century its wealth gradually faded as cheaper imports from the continent arrived in the country, and as the wealth went so too did the merchants.  They left behind their fabulous houses, churches and guildhalls which through lack of money meant they remained as they had been built and never modernised (see extra).  The main today is of a tiny wooden sculpture l found inside the huge wool church of St Peter and St Paul.

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