Light entertainment

By annejohn

Blipmeet day

As @notcuthbert posted, it was weather for swans ..  Dry and sunny as I walked to the East Gate. @Tweedy arrived from Waverley and the other four came in on a no 9 bus. My suggestion weeks ago of the Botanics as a venue hadn't allowed for a dog; so we rerouted along the Rocheid path to Inverleith. By the pond, the rain came on; we moved on to Cafe Andaluz which turned out to have lots of space at a table near the window, coffee, tea and food for people and a dog. 
Pictured by @brambleblossom and @Tweedy 

The visitors wanted to head for the Royal Mile, so we walked through Stockbridge to Dundas Street where I left them. They hadn't got much further up the hill when the rain came on (Jan's blip). 

We went out again after supper to walk, curtailed by another shower, and came across these two sheltering while working on a traffic light control box. 

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