
By JanetMayes

Dessert in the garden

By this afternoon, it was finally warm enough to eat on the patio, so we took our delicious desserts outside. J and I enjoyed the last of the cakes baked for Monday's family picnic, with some embellishments. J hose brownie with strawberries and a scoop of chocolate ice cream, while I finished a sliver of apricot frangipane cake accompanied by some amazingly delicious pistachio and lemon ice cream - not a flavour I would normally choose, but I was swayed by the rave reviews and it's every bit as good as it sounded. It's made by Hackney Gelato, new to me, and was on offer at Tesco. The elderflower cordial was last year's, from the freezer, but I have now made yesterday's steeped flowers into this year's first batch. 

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