
By JanetMayes

Elderflowers for cordial

Friday was a better day. My leg eased enough for me to manage a few jobs on my feet without too much pain, principally picking elderflowers for cordial, for which my time window has been shrinking. There were still plenty around the garden, including some wonderful enormous, lush flower heads close to the back door. I set them to steep with plenty of lemon zest, and later in the day I also moved cauliflower and cabbage plants from their overcrowded trays into individual little pots, to fatten up a bit before they are planted outside. In between, the sitting down time I need after being on my feet for a while is allowing me to catch up on quite a lot of little admin jobs, so although I'm frustrated not to be doing lots of gardening on the first really sunny day for a while, it has some compensations.

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