
By LincolnWarrior

OI ! get off my roof

An early blip shot for me when getting ready for work I noticed Minstrel looking out the window , he was watching one of the lovely neighbouring cats sat on our kitchen / bathroom roof  . Even though Minstrel is an indoor cat he was probably thinking that it is his roof . So I grabbed a shot on my mobile in case nothing else gave me a photo opportunity.
The weather was quite nice early on but it did turn this afternoon with some very heavy rain. It was still rather damp when i left work so it was a good job I had a blip.

Wigan are playing away at Castleford again in the league so we are watching that on TV . Wigan are probably nursing the effects of last weeks cup final win and it is only  4 - 4 at half time we need to pull our finger out in the 2nd half and start to shine and take control . 

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