Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Trumpets and orchids

A dry day today - I've been out in the garden, finishing planting up the pots and planters. I found several more Northern Marsh Orchids flowering in various pots, so have separated them and potted them up - not sure what I'll do with them, but must plant them out somewhere! Several of them were growing in a big pot of pink lily-of-the-valley, so as a result of that operation I now have dozens of LOTV plants to do something with!

After lunch I went down to Homebase to buy some timber for repairing a section of deck fence and also bought a half-price tray of the white form of Bacopa monnieri - I'll be using these in the pot which I fixed to a post down at the roadside, together with a nasturtium and some ivy.

My Blip today is of my solitary flowering Cardiocrinum giganteum - a beautiful flower, though the leaves have been ruined by slugs.

Quote of the Day: 'Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine for the soul.' - Luther Burbank.

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