
By KatesGardenPDX

A Little Murky

We've had a marine layer the last few days, sometimes wearing off early, like it did today, or late in the day, as it does sometimes. Here's a complex explanation if you're interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_layer. Suffice it to say that we rarely have marine layers here in Portland, some 90 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. Seattle, surrounded by water, is sometimes, I think, in a permanent marine layer. At any rate, it's murky and dense and heavy, but not like fog which I think is cold and wispy and damp.

Anyway, it burned off and was really rather pleasant this morning. I watered all of my gardens (deck, courtyard and raised veggie bed) and planted more lettuce, and beans and cucumbers. Well, all three cucumber seeds that I had left from last year. I'll have to get some more apparently! 

Spent some time working on my class this afternoon and then decided to dive into the next blog post. I'm diverging a bit, if you're following it I hope you'll bear with me!

Took this shot with my new macro lens - I'm still learning how to use it. It finally occurred to me today that I need more light. A lot more light. Never a dull moment.

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