Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

One of those days ….

Started the morning with a zoom meeting - an update on the RVS/good Sam response service and changes to the system.

On to crochet - our phallic items were all at the same stage, we attached a ring and then homework this week is to continue and complete (I’ll do mine when I get back).

Hairdresser visit - good to catch up and I love having my hair done so a good visit.

Work then, just for a couple of hours or so.

Home for tea then out to our Lace meeting.  We had a 91 year old gentleman come and talked about “Southampton boy evacuee and the blitz.   He talked about his recall of being a 6 year old child when the war started and a little before.  He brought items to show/share - shrapnel, ration cards, ration examples of how much you were allowed etc.  He was a very natural speaker, no cue cards needed as he states it’s all retained in his brain.  He has a visual impairment too.


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