Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Deck Visitor

This is not a good photo. It was taken through the window in the upstairs guest bedroom. This bird stayed perched for the longest time there on the railing of the deck. We think he/she was possibly injured. Eventually it flew.

The high here today was 95 degrees F. Most of the humidity that has been here the past 10 days or so was gone; that's a lovely relief!

This has been a busy day and I've gotten lots accomplished. I put lots of things outside today in my shed. I'm thrilled that my shed is still very organized with most items in large plastic tubs. Taking stuff out to the shed puts it just that much closer to the trash bin, and some of the stuff really does belong in the trash.

Good night from a very warm Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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