
By YellowBalloon

The First One

Those of you who follow me on Blip probably know that I collect old wedding photos and I sometimes post photos of them.  This is the very first wedding photo that I bought way back in about 1980.  My sister and I used to like visiting flea markets, antiques fairs etc. and I bought this one at the Guildhall in Newcastle.  I decided that I wanted to start collected something that I liked but that didn't cost much and didn't take up much room.

I just thought it was a beautiful photo and it really appealed to me so this led to me starting my collection .  When I was buying it, the person on the stall said it had came with some other things and would I like them for free so I said yes.  

One of the things included was another photo (see extra) and after studying I realised that the bride in the main photo is a bridesmaid in the extra.  Also, the groom is pictured in both photos and the vicar is the same.  Also I think the man in uniform in the main photo is the groom in the extra photo.  I think the photos were taken at the same venue.  Not sure if some of the dresses in both pictures could be the same ones too - maybe slightly altered.

Obviously these were taken during the First World War due to the men being in uniform.  

Amongst the things given to me was a photo album (which at this moment I can't lay my hands on but I do still have it), other photos and piano certificates.

From what I can remember the family appeared to be from Hartlepool (there were some piano certificates with an address on), the couple in the main photo appeared to go on to have two children (a boy and girl).  The husband did not appear in the album after the first few years so sadly I think he may have died at a young age.  I think the daughter was called Phyllis as that was the name on the piano certificates.  

I have attached another photo which I believe to be the bride in the main photo in later life.  

As I have had these photos so long I think I probably came into possession as the lady had died.  These two photos are my favourite photos from my whole collection.

I believe today might be a Blip anniversary for me.  Not totally sure about that.  I don't post every day and don't get round to commenting every day but I do love being a member of Blip.  I love having Blip friends from all over the UK and abroad (America, Australia, New Zealand to name a few).  I love how people are so supportive and encouraging and I also like the knowledge I have gained through being a member of Blip.  I have read books, visited new places etc. after seeing peoples Blips and recommendations.  I have also met a few fellow Blippers which has been brilliant.  So a big thank you to everyone.  Blip is very much part of my daily life. 

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