Day at a Time

By Tweedy

In mid chirp

What a sweetheart. The birds are busy, and noisy, this morning. The bees likewise. 

Thanks for all your kind wishes yesterday. I'm still feeling a bit gruey but as long as I don't do too much I'll be fine. Not doing much isn't my natural state but sometimes you have to give in. 

I spent a wee bit of time in the garden but I've come back in as a) I want to sit down and b) I think it might rain.

We've had inclement June 13ths before. The reason I know this with certainty is that it's my daughter's birthday. I have strong memories of little girls in party frocks having to be brought into the house to be fed beans on toast or tomato soup to warm up. We weren't going to see L today as she's out for lunch with her friend and partner J. We will see her at the weekend though, all being well. 

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