Love Across The Void

I finished reading Oliver Sacks' The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat last week, but one story still resonates within me. The case of Clive Wearing is simply a footnote in Sacks' book, but I vividly recall watching Dr. Jonathan Harris' incredible documentary Prisoner Of Consciousness many years ago. I cannot imagine the horror, torment and frustration of Clive Wearing's plight. Equally, my admiration for Deborah Wearing is boundless. Although this story is incredibly sad, there is also the reassurance that love can survive the greatest of challenges. Although Clive Wearing's life is a void, his deep abiding love for his wife still endures. Similarly, despite the immensely frustrating circumstances of her life (seven years repeating the same two minute conversation!), Deborah continues to stand by her man. A truly inspirational couple. I hope my portrait has managed to convey something of the beauty in their relationship.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find Prisoner Of Consciousness on youtube, but even this heavily edited American version is enough to tear me up.

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