Roly's Life

By Roly

Splendid Day

A simply splendid day. Firstly, I cleaned our minging microwave using just half a lemon in a bowl of water. Very satisfying.

Then a brisk stroll into town to meet Clare for coffee (via The Poly) before my face waxing appointment. MrRoly met me after for lunch at ‘Dine & Deli’ then home for a bit of work!

The Poly have been advertising this talk for weeks but it sold out really quickly. My trip earlier was to be added to the wait list and just after 4 I got a call to say I’d got a ticket. So I wandered back down and very much enjoyed it.

Afterwards I nipped into Tesco for tea bits - by now ravenous having missed breakfast and only had a small lunch - then loitered round MrRoly’s yoga studio so I didn’t have to walk home again.

Finally, to round off my splendid day, I went out to feed the hedgehog/fox/crow/magpies, put the chickens to bed and recover (damp) washing AND SAW THE HEDGEHOG. Oh happy day.

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