David J. Rose

By djrose007

Going and coming back

Off to school this morning and the girls decided that, as it has been dry for a few days now, they would like to cycle across the playing field. Usually they go around the outside track and I walk across the grass so I'm not too far behind them. I think they found it a little harder work pedalling on the grass but they don't complain.
On the way back, this afternoon, they decided they would like to stop off at the exercising apparatus that is in the field. These sort of contraptions can be found in parks and playing fields all over Gloucester, and I expect other places have them nowadays.
Bad news is it looks like they will not be going to school tomorrow, they have both been violently sick, almost projectile vomiting a number of times until they just don't have anything left. We feel so sorry for them, temperature is up too on both of them. They have fallen asleep, in Marlane's bed, so we'll see what they are like during the night and in the morning.

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