Ruby's birthday, still got to go to school!

We drove to Cinderford, Forest of Dean, to our daughter Johanna's house in time to walk across the road to pick up Ruby from School. She was thrilled that the twins came with us and Johanna took them into the school to pick her up.
It's her birthday and the whole school sang Happy Birthday to her in the morning assembly. Don't know if I mentioned but she has, at long last, been diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). I thought it was caused by her lack of growth prior to a very premature emergency C Section birth but Johanna, her Mummy, has informed me that PWS is genetic and an issue with the 15th Chromosome. Who'd have guessed that! 
If you have seen my Facebook Profile picture it had a frame around me for PWS Awareness Month. I only changed it yesterday, left it on for a little while longer than the month of May.
For all of it's disadvantages, of the syndrome, Ruby is an incredibly loveable and likeable little girl, who was 5 today. She is very popular at school and when she goes for a wander into other classes everyone is aware of her and someone gently takes her back to her own class. They are really wonderful with her and have helped Johanna in a number of way, mostly by being so great with Ruby.
What the future will hold for Ruby we have no idea, we can only be there to support, and guide her through life.

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