
By Missycat

Birthday brooch

For today's TT I've photographed the charming brooch given to me by my friend C on Friday.  I'm pretty sure that it's a dolphin but thoughts from other blippers are welcome!
In other news:  I thought that I would have to pick up V from school today alone for the first time as Mr MC was out playing golf and The Son was working but about an hour before I was due to set out, I received a phone call from V's mum to say that the school had phoned when she wasn't picked up at 1.30pm.  To cut a long story short: the school had closed at 1.30pm for a teachers' meeting but had not sent reminders.  V's father had decided to swap Tuesday pick up for Wednesday this week (don't know why) so it was up to our end to pick her up.  Daughter #2 had leave work following the phone call, pick her up, drop her at my house, then return to work until the end of the day when she took V home.  Phew!

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