
By JennyOwen


Not the best of backgrounds for this little bluetit, glimpsed when I went out to empty the compost bin and to refill the bird feeders. But this was the one opportunity I had :-)
He or she had perhaps been waiting for me to go back inside; as soon as I did, the feeders were busy again.  I think there's a pair nesting nearby.
Otherwise... apart from editing some photos and cooking a vegetable curry, I spent a bit of time with Marianna and the girls in the afternoon. Simone was uncharacteristically unsettled, probably because she has the head cold that Frieda, Jack and Marianna have all had too. Jack has one more day until the deadline for his final MA assignment - he seems to be managing well, he's down to the final proof-reading and reference-checking now. Next week some of his images will go on display as part of the MA Documentary Photography degree exhibition: I'll go to London for this, with M and J and the girls. Very much looking forward to it.

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