For the family

By RonaMac

The things you find!!

Over to R & S’s today to await a delivery. The initial 2hr slot gradually slid from 8.30 to 10.30, to an eventual 11.30, but I was kept informed throughout. I took Olive home to B so that she wouldn’t be there to bark at the delivery men and so that I would only have to two boys to herd, no escapees. The very large boxes only just just fitted into the available space. 

I was able to get lots of things done in the waiting time, including some crochet. 

I was surprised to see the collection of tools and the creation on the dining table. S has been busy with his 3D printer, don’t know what it is that he has made, but it’s obvious that R is still working abroad. This lot will have to move before Thursday evening!!! 

I’m impressed at the creation!!!! 

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