
By ArcLight

Man taking cherry picker for a walk

I guess this happens regularly, but I only got to see (and hear) it because I decided to work at home today.

A 20+ hour day of travelling and meetings on Monday, surrounded by two short and rather disturbed nights of sleep in the Inverness airport hotel and back home last night made for a dreadful awakening this morning. I literally could not move, or so it felt.

Eventually, I dragged myself out of bed at 8am and popped across to the corner shop to get some milk, so I could have breakfast. I was settling down to work at the dining room table when this racket started up. I was hoping that they were taking the noisy beast away, but it seemed that it was simply being manoeuvred into the right place near our front door, so that the sampling and surveying work could continue. I retreated into my study to work, which was sufficiently quiet.

Later on, I went down to Leith and got a hair cut, via the supermarket. I was lazy, and got a bus back.

It will be a very early night today. I shall lie on the bed and listen to podcasts and think - just think - about reading something.

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