
By Veronica


It's not at all clear who this is aimed at. It appeared overnight on the village noticeboard, containing two anodyne posters for cultural events.

In other news: Eric Zemmour's Reconquête party is too fascist even for Marine Le Pen. No agreement there (yay!) The leader of the supposedly centre-right Républicains, however, decided he would like to unite with Marine's crowd, to almost universal disapproval from his senior colleagues ("Like signing the Munich agreement"; "Selling his dignity for a mess of pottage" were some reactions). It seems likely he will stomp off in a huff at some point.

Meanwhile, all four major left-wing parties managed to agree to stand common candidates in a late-night deal, with crowds of young people outside shouting "Front Populaire !". Miraculous! We'll see how well it stands up when they start hammering out the details, and the manifesto.

A day of errands. I drove Sue to the doctor in the morning and picked up a prescription for her in the afternoon while out shopping. It all took much longer than it normally would, because one village cut in half by roadworks is not enough. Now we have to do a 5 km detour to get to the other end of Fabrezan, which is where the gleaming new surgery and the pharmacy are, and the same detour back home again. Luckily it's only for a week.

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