
By JohnW

Just a wee dram . . .

Needing a picture for a friends birthday card I resorted to a miniature bottle of Grouse.  Before the pandemic we used to enjoy a few whiskies on a Friday evening with the FNDG.
I was toying with the idea of something for TinyTuesday, so I guess this just about squeezes in sideways with this week’s theme (just . . . ?!).
As an image I really like the whole frame before cropping, but that’s not really closeup so the ‘card’ version is the blip, my favourite at extra.
Not a lot else happening other than Anglian Water had well and truly over estimated our water usage AGAIN, and it looks like my neighbour who is having trouble with his FFB connection is being well and truly stitched up.  The engineer is due out tomorrow morning and I will be joining the party.
For those interested a 4 frame focus stack/merge in Affinity, and processed in PS.
Many thanks to sk for hosting TinyTuesday this month.

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