
By MrsK277

Gift and gratitude

Morning dip followed by a suprise gift. Ted had thought I'd gushed so much about his fushias yesterday, I should have one of my own he'd cultivated from the main plant. I was overjoyed and put my palm behind it do you can see the size of the blooms. That's going to Norfolk!
Off to pilates for a great session, then a long chat with J on the phone. E is in hospital with a massively raised heart rate of 200+ and rising. Worrying times.

Met Carrie for lunch and a catch up. It's Z's birthday tomorrow and he has his first driving lesson. I'm using the same man for FK who is not the greatest communicator,  so I'll chase him up to decide on a day near FK's birthday. 
Did some gardening back home, cutting back the wisteria and diseased roses...I think I need Ted's green fingers! The pruned sycamore at the back has really opened it up, letting so much more light in, and a clearer view of the ground.
FK had his phone interview with Stansted Airport College after school and has been given an unconditional offer to attend in September if he needs to. Great relief. He also did a Webinar with Leonardo about his personal statement. Good lad.

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