
By JackyMT

Scarecrow postbox topper

We are having a Scarecrow festival in the village shortly and the postbox knitters have been busy knitting scarecrows.

Did my usual Monday Lidl shop whilst Paula took Tanzy a walk.

Later around lunchtime a got a call from a Podiatry person, saying they had no record of photo's from me, and would I send them again by text, or some new ones if I couldn't find them. They were to go to my local clinic, she gave me an address to send them to.
 Long story short, it took ages to find them as I had transferred them from my old phone onto PC. Then started the transfer back to phone, then I sent them as asked, but wasn't sure if I had done it right, so texted them again, still not sure so sent them by email. Then I rang the clinic to see if they had got them, she looked and said "Yes three times" like I said " I'm 83 and not good at this sort of thing"
So now we wait and see what comes next.
No wonder I haven't heard from them I was lost in the system somewhere.
That took most of the afternoon faffing with that, so nothing done again, shame as it's been a nice day.

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