
By hazelh

Fun on the Ross of Mull

Mr hazelh and I took a short walk this morning along the coast from Fionnphort to Tormore, admiring the sunny views across the sea to Iona. As has been the case on many days of this holiday, mid-walk we found ourselves a sheltered spot for sunbathing and reading (extra). 

We walked back to the village past the quarry that has provided much of the stone for the buildings in the area (including the abbey on Iona) and some of the remnants of the infrastructure to carry the stone from one place to another (such as a pier, a tramway, and rusty metal winches).

This afternoon we met Owen, Rob and Alesha for lunch, then an afternoon on the beach at Ardalanish with two of Owen and Rob's three dogs. With a four year-old in our party, we had every excuse to build sandcastles and play with the £1.75 windmill that I bought at Tesco in Oban yesterday (a great investment). My blip shows the five of us at the shoreline.

Back at the house Rob cooked ratatouille and spaghetti for our supper while Owen introduced us to Debbie the pet lamb (extra) and the rest of the family's flock of Hebridean sheep. I also 'helped' hunt for eggs in the hen house. I failed in this task because I was too frightened to poke under the hens' bodies.

After dinner, Owen and Rob introduced us to the game of Quirkle. It was very easy to learn, although we recognise that there will be more sophisticated ways of playing than those we deployed this evening. I expect that we will buy Quirkle for ourselves before too long.

Exercise today: walking (9,367).

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