
By Cherryflapjack

Sporrans in Perth.

We have had quite a busy day. We took turns to visit the Stone of Destiny at the Perth Museum this morning. Mr CFJ went first and I took Islay for a walk. We both enjoyed visiting and thought the immersive experience was quite well done. It’s a lovely new museum and has a dog friendly cafe! No photos of the stone allowed…

I then went off to have a quick look at the Perth Art Gallery. Again, quite small but with a really good selection of art. I really liked the JD Fergusson exhibition.

Lunchtime took us to Effie’s again. We visited last year and the food was delicious. Mr CFJ particularly enjoyed the Cullen Skink.

We then drove to Dunkeld- I was last there when I was about 15, so couldn’t remember much about it. Beautiful views of the Tay from the Cathedral grounds.

I really loved the sporran shop- such good fun!

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