
By CleanSteve

A chopper passes over the house

When I heard the characteristic sound of a helicopter, I grabbed my camera off the dining room table, as I knew it had a telephoto lens attached. There have been quite a few odd overflights in the last couple of weeks, from single engined glider tow planes, to gliders themselves, large RAF transporters, civil airliners probably flying south to Bristol Airport and some choppers.

Yesterday I looked up from the supermarket car park when a very low flying helicopter turned out to be a RAF gunship only hundreds of feet above us.

This chopper appears to be a civil transport vehicle, so nothing too special, but I took a picture just in case. I have previously looked up and taken a picture only to find it was a US Air Force Stealth bomber but that was some time ago. It was rumoured that B52 bombers had been flying in and out of RAF Fairford in recent weeks. The state of the world's crisis zones is worrying.

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