Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


As a somewhat rainy day was forecast, 16yo and I headed into Leeds for a ‘town’ day.

We started with a visit to the art gallery for the major retrospective of documentary photographer Peter Mitchell. I’d say this is a must-see for any blippers that can get to it - we can all learn a lot from his observational eye. 

We had lunch at the gallery café, which did actually have some lunch items in stock this time, and then headed off on a circuit of some shops, ending up in the Corn Exchange, where I managed to get some postcards of photos in the Peter Mitchell exhibition. 

The interior of the Corn Exchange includes two Leeds Civic Trust blue plaques, including this one devoted to Alice Bacon. Among many things, it seems I should thank her for my comprehensive education. A timely reminder of the standards we should hold our elected representatives to. 

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