
By TrishaR

Meet Up, Royal George Hotel

Today was actually quite warm!

Did some potting of my begonias, tidied up some bits in the garden and then a nice longish walk with Lucca up Buckie Braes.

There was a Club meet up at a local hotel. Four new members came along and signed up. One of the ladies, when introduced to me said oh yes I’ve know Trisha from many years ago. I had no idea who she was till she said she knew me from Dunkeld Road. I faked recognition till it slowly dawned on me who she was although that was the early 90s. She said surely I haven’t changed that much….. I think she has!

Walk home and same tea as last night chicken, cauli cheese and broccoli. I’m easily pleased.

Flight from Stanstead is delayed so they won’t arrive back here till around 1:45am.

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