Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I was a bit slow this morning, after yesterday's exertions at the Roman Wall Show.

This afternoon I walked "around the block" which means uphill to Lincoln Hill, downhill to Chesters, along the road to the bottom of the village and uphill home. (Whichever way I go from here there is an uphill at the end!)

The verges continue to be splendid. As the cow parsley dies back, the hogweed is opening. It's at its nicest when the flowers are small and pink/red tinged.  There are lots of water avens and a few wood avens.

My image is of the hybridised form, not quite one or the other. I always enjoy seeing them.

I called on Liz and Nick for a chat and a cuppa before the last hill home.

Most of this morning I was editing photos from yesterday's show. I took too many photographs!

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