
By Orc2009

North Ronaldsay

A trip to North Ron. We were warned on boarding the ferry that it might get rough between Westray and North Ronaldsay, but I never get seasick so wasn't worried...but it actually was very rough, and I didn't feel too good! So I was glad when we got to the island and I could cycle off in the fresh air. A lady on a 'throttle-type' ebike went past me and I thought she didn't look too steady and then she went into a ditch! Once I'd helped her get out she said that the bike had a new battery and the bike was much more responsive than she was used to. There wasn't too much about birdwise- a pair of Arctic skuas , family groups of shelduck and eider etc. The shot is of one of the North Ronaldsay sheep and a couple of fulmars.

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