
By YellowBalloon

We Are Not Amused

Queen Victoria in her widows weeds - Front Street, Tynemouth.

Mr YB was golfing today so I set off at nine and caught a bus then a metro to Tynemouth on the north east coast.  Every Saturday and Sunday there is a market on in the railway station.  Always good for a browse around.  Lots of vintage clothes, old records, jewellry, cup cakes, street food etc.  Today I didn't buy anything from the market.

I went to a cafe and had a brunch of scrambled eggs on toast - delicious!  I then had a walk down to the seafront where I saw some wild swimmers entering the sea - they were screaming and laughing.  It was not a warm day and the North Sea is always cold - rather them than me.   

I then walked back up into the village for a look in some shops and then caught the Metro and a bus home.  I was only away for 4 hours but I really enjoyed myself.  

I have attached a few extras.  

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